Monday, May 01, 2006

Frequent Fliers

“Wont u write something this weekend” asked Sachin my roommate at some unearthly hours on last Saturday evening. I thought he somehow loved the idea of me penning down some scrap.

“Hmmm” I told him with a frown in my face and continued “it’s too hot and ideas are not flowing in”
“So what.” he said “write something on that only” and walked out of the room banging the door with a thud. Actually the door was closed in a hurry to prevent the “frequent fliers” from coming in. I didn’t mind and grabbing the laptop pulled up the MS Word.

Mosquitoes as these “Frequent Fliers” are commonly known to all and sundry had been bugging and biting Bangaloreans quiet recently & had been the topic of discussion in the media as well.
Knock Knock.
Who’s there??
A Mos
Amos who??
A Mosquito.
Funny isn’t it?
We Bangaloreans do not think it that way. This summer, the mosquito menace is no laughing matter. Everywhere you go – to the terrace, to the garden, inside your bedroom, in office, in the basement, in the parking area—these tiny fellas are making life miserable. Here it is how.

I saw a pretty young lass waving at me early one morning last week while I was waiting in the parking area behind Block “C” for the transport supervisor to allot me a cab to go home. She was wearing low-waist jeans with a sleeve less tee. My heart skipped a beat, and I was already building castles in the air.
“Kya baat hai Palas” I thought to myself. I was about to thank God for looking up at me (at last) when I over-heard her complaining to the drivers and the supervisor (of transport deptt) “Why doesn’t IBM spray some pesticides around here. These mosquitoes are killing me”. My dreams crashed like a pack of cards.
“Hath tera hilaya kyun
Jaab yea dil todna hi tha” I murmured on the tunes of ‘Last Christmas’ to myself getting into the Indica allotted to me as I started on my ride back home.

The devastation is not just internal (the heart) it’s external as well. Every afternoon when I look at the mercury plated glass sheet while brushing my teeth (I am a late riser u see) I can visualize the red patches all over my body created due to the biting and the subsequent scratching thereafter.

My aunty walks into my room at this point to do her housekeeping job and Says “Good Afternoon Palas. I’m sure you slept well. Did the mosquitoes bother you?”
“O my God! But your whole body is red. Why don’t you use a coil or a repellent?”

“I have tried every thing aunty from Tortoise to Odomos via Goodnight” is my general reply but still this is where I stand.

Fishes eat mosquito larva I read somewhere. And an aquarium in my room is the next remedy I’m going to try now.

I’m open to views and suggestions any ways. So feel free to share them. Off I go to a scratch full night ahead.


Subhadip said...

About the waving in IBM parking.... now I know why all the girls flock around me... because I keep on waving! Talk about benefits of mosquitos!

Anonymous said...

Hey Palassss , I wonder how come even goodnight doesnt work becauze I use goodnight at home and there are no mosquitoes , i get peaceful sleep I have a feeling ur guiding the mosquitoes from IBM parking lot to ur house expecting pretty girls wave at you !!!!!11

Anonymous said...

Hi Palas , You have written a very well blog. A blog with with Good observation of your daily life with Mosquitoes and with a appropriate english grammer.As per your request, you can try this solution:Close all the doors and windows of your room before 5pm in the evening and daily before sleeping apply odomos to Mosqitoes and go for sleep.

Subhadip said...

Sanjeev Bhai... how exactly do you apply odomos to mosquitos?

My name is Palas...and i'm no more an active blogger said...

Sanjeev, even i want to know how and y to apply Odomos on mosquitoes

Anonymous said...

dada IBm mosquitoes are really great. Atleast they brought colours to your life for a fraction of seconds. Anyway my sugeestion is Take everything in a positive way like when mosquito come near a beautiful girl then go near the girl and wave your hand. That is a very tested way of making girl friends

Anonymous said...

hey dada,
i am really sorry 4 that waving thing :),i cant stop laughing though. these mosquitoes r so lucky na. they get a chance to kiss them (**).
coming to the seriouis point,i think u should really do something about the mosquitoes in ur house. Good Night repellent is a good one, try it out. atleast this one has helped me a lot.