Monday, April 24, 2006

I had guests this weekend.

“Dada ghum thaika uithaso ki?”(Brother, have u woken up as yet) asked Ditsu in his typical East Indian accent on the phone while I was still enjoying my last few minutes in bed.

I glanced at my wrist. The watch said 10:50 am and it was a typical lazy summer Saturday morning. Before I could react he continued saying “Ami tahole barota sare barotar moddha aitasi” (I’ll be there at your place by 12-12:30 in the afternoon) and he dropped.

It took me a couple of moments to realize the situation and I thought to myself “Wow!!!! I’m expecting guests”. Keeping up to his words I hear my phone ring again at 12:25 pm and it was him again asking for directions. “Get off your ass” I told him (politely) and continued “it’s the name of the shop selling adventure sports merchandise. My house is just the one next to it. Do u see it”? I asked. “Or check out the Maroon Qualis. My house is just the one bang opposite to it”

The discussion started mainly with the Microsoft Office Xp 2003 I was trying to download for my brother’s new Toshiba Satellite. Topics changed fast, from Lexus to Mercedes Benz and very soon we were discussing about Elvis Presley when another phone ring disrupted our conversation. Subhadip calling blinked my mobile screen. Dada as I fondly call him said he will be at my place in about 30mins sharp.

The Maroon Qualis which was backing out from the parking lot came to my rescue once again along with “GET OFF YOUR ASS”. “What a landmark for my house” I thought to myself as I was guiding Subhadip to get to my house. “What is your house number?” was the last thing dada could ask me when I abruptly dropped the call. We had already established eye contact and I was frantically waving at him in case u thought I was being rude.

“Dada ke to pura hero lagta se” claimed Ditsu getting rather excited seeing Subhadip. Indeed he was. Wearing a pair of blue denim jeans with his untucked air conditioned red shirt, white sneekers and an Adidas glare he sure made all the girls he crossed on his way turn back and say “Oooooo Laaa laaaaaa”

Our health (tummy) conscious dada had been walking all the way for the last 25-30mins from C.V. Raman Nagar all the way to Indiranagar 1st stage and that too in this heat (something I would have never done even if I was promised a jackpot). No wonder that explains my little paunch. The maximum length I walk in a day at a stretch is from my workstation to Riviera Food Court and back after 25mins.

We three enjoyed a sumptuous non-vegetarian (sans chicken) Chinese lunch at Wanley a joint just opposite my house. It was my 233rd (don’t go by the count; just wanted to mean that I was a regular) visit to the God damn place while a maiden venture for both my guests. Ditsu planned to change his seating plan next time he dined here. He thought all the beautiful girls were not in his view though there were quiet a few in there then.

Post lunch and we three trotted back home discussing about the various other food joints close to my house. It was unanimously decided that Casa Picola on CMH Road is an awesome place to dine in provided u had the taste for continental food. Ditsu made his first plan for the forthcoming week - - already. Since Banshankari 3rd Stage doesn’t have such chill out places he is ready to come over next weekend to try out his palate on some of the tastiest Beef Steak in town.(We are devoted Hindus anyways) “I wish I was staying this side of the city” he said with lot of remorse in his voice. He calmed down only after Subhadip could make him realise he is
the various advantages of staying in a single room and how expensive it gets sometimes if one is sharing a room.(Those who understood the pun intended, read on. Others don’t ask what it meant).

My guest left soon after. Ditsu had to check out the shortest distance to M.G. Road while Subhadip had to go to Woodlands to change his shoes. “They hurt while you trek” I remember him saying once. Climbing the stairs back to my room I thought to myself “This is the first time I had any of my colleagues from my team in IBM visit me at my home.” I didn’t realise how fast the time passed by in their company in my otherwise boring weekends.

They promised to be back the next week. Can I please expect them back??


Anonymous said...

Hi Palas.sorry............sorry bhai....Good that you are also writing your blog.....Carry on

Anonymous said...

Dada u should go for writting books. A very werll penning down of the experience. Howeve amare emni koira dekhano ta ki thik hoilo.

Subhadip said...

Great post Palas. Captures the scene perfectly.

Ditsu got loads of gyan from us on food and girls. Soon expect his Banashankari house to be a happening place.

BTW, thanks for the compliments. If only the girls knew (sigh)!

I like Ditsu's proposal (the anonymous bugger) of writing a book. I have a working title for it - "How Ditsu Som got f@&#ed, got wild and got a life"

Anonymous said...

Hey Palassss , you can be a gud writer and you can teach a lot more things for Ditsu about girls (as only experienced person like you can teach a layman like Ditsu about girls

Anonymous said...

like all others i too feel that u will be a really good writer. i really loved it. ur address is really something dada. sometimes i'd love to go to that shop :).
As i was reading through, my thoughts went to the college days when we too(college friends) used to do the same things. pass comments, eat like anything and all !!! and such things.
life has become boring nowadays dada :(. do keep writing such expirience of urs. i'd love to go back to those again...