Monday, April 09, 2007

A Letter from God

When you ran around the house getting ready, I knew there would be a few minutes for you to stop and say hello, but you were too busy. At one point you had to wait fifteen minutes with nothing to do except sit in a chair. Then I saw you spring to your feet. I thought you wanted to talk to me but you ran to the phone and called a friend to get the latest gossip instead. I watched patiently all day long. With all our activities I guess you were too busy to say anything to me. I noticed that before lunch you looked around, maybe you felt embarrassed to talk to me that am why you didn't bow your head. You glanced three or four tables over and you noticed some of your friends talking to me briefly before they ate, but you didn't. That's okay. There is still more time left, and I hope that you will talk to me yet.You went home and it seems as if you had lots of things to do. After a few of them were done, you turned on the TV. I don't know if you like TV or not, just about anything goes there and you spend a lot of time each day in front of it not thinking about anything, just enjoying the show. I waited patiently again as you watched the TV and ate your meal, but again you didn't talk to me.Bedtime I guess you felt too tired. After you said goodnight to your family you plopped into bed and fell asleep in no time. That's okay because you may not realize that I am always there for you. I've got patience, more than you will ever know. I even want to teach you how to be patient with others as well. I love you so much that I wait everyday for a nod, prayer or thought, or a thankful part of your heart. It is hard to have a one-sided conversation.Well, you are getting up once again. Once again I will wait, with nothing but love for you. Hoping that today you will give me some time.

Monday, February 19, 2007

A Weekend Getaway

My urge to write continues this year as well..its not that I am bound by any kind of so called “new yrs resolutions” but just that the artistic part of my brain suddenly went active.

After a pretty hectic month at work place (some merchandise inventory was going on at the client’s site) I managed to get 04(read it as FOUR..unbelieveable isn’t it!!!) consecutive day offs. They were 1st to 4th of February.

Having sensed this some days back, I had initiated this motion with Subhadip or Dada as he is fondly called by me. Ideas flew…from Goa to Munnar, however nothing much did materialize.

It was on the last day of January, or in other words just the day before my day offs, that I took the reigns in my hand and sealed the deal with “Mangalore” previously known as “Kudla” and now-a-days known as “Mangalooru”.

Y Mangalore?? Well a couple of reasons..

  • Arnie, Sapoo, Chiku, Abby and Sappi stays there.
  • Arnie had been telling me ever since he shifted base there to come over.
  • My Mentor (Dovey Pinto) is from this city and so wanted to check it out as well.
  • Some one once said this city smelled of fish (it’s been long that I had tried out some yummy fish fries).
  • Last but not the least I love bitches (read it as ‘beaches’ – pun intended!!)

A couple of quick calls followed all to Sapoo as it was planned out that my visit should come as a surprise to the rest.
‘Arnie will come home a lil’ late from office in the morning, so u better reach before that’ ;
‘Make sure u get down at Kankanady bus stop when u reach Mangalore’;
‘Call me up after u have crossed the ghat section’;
‘Do u want me to tell Sappi to pick you up from the no leave it..lets give her a surprise as well’;
‘Arnie drank the Pepsi I got for u’
‘When u come I’ll show u my college (St Agnes), hostel where Nattu, Sappi, Seema and myself studied.

These are some of those statements Sapoo rattled out (almost in the same breath) sounding rather excited.

Who is Sapoo??

Well let me introduce them all to you.

  • Arnie – Mr Arnab Ghosh (Unit Manager/ Activation Manager/ Pre-Process Selection Committee member with MphasiS, Mangalore..ex Vice President Operations with Vacation Club International )
  • Sapoo – Mrs Swapna Arnab Ghosh (better half of Arnie. Ex employee of Transworks, Accenture and ANZ….now a mother of one and homemaker)
  • Chiku – Ms Saanvi Ghosh (11 months old daughter of Arnie and Sapoo)
  • Abby – A cute Geman Spitz (presented by me to Arnie and Sapoo on the day of their wedding)
  • Sappi – Ms Swapna Salian (college friend of Sapoo, smart (read as dumb), soft spoken, a fast learner and my disciple). Just joined MphasiS in a UK based process.
    Matt – Matthew (Team Lead in Transworks, ex colleague of Arnie, loves to drive, helpful guy)


  • Latitude – 12.52N
  • Longitude – 74.53E
    It’s on the west coast of Karnataka, located at the confluence of Nethravathi and Gurupura rivers. Bounded on the east by the Western Ghats and on the west by the Arabian Sea.

    Day 1 (1st February 2007)

    Returned from office around 10:00 am and headed straight to Rakhsit Travels office (on 100ft Road, Indiranagar). A couple of anxious (I was not sure if I can manage a ticket at the last moment) minutes wait for the office to open….

    “Do you have any buses leaving for Mangalore tonight” I said. “I would prefer a Volvo and a Semi- Sleeper” i added.
    The guy at the counter makes a couple of calls from all the 3 desk phones on his table.

    “Yes Sir, you are lucky. I have the last seat just for you. Your seat number will be 31, but it will be the last row” he said.

    Some thing inside me provoked me not to get excited.

    “The last row” I remarked aloud. “Well then I might just try for some other travel agent who I’m sure can get me a better deal” and I started to leave.

    “One Nimsha (means minute) Sir” I heard him tell me. By the time I could turn back he was already calling up someone from the only phone left with....his cell phone.

    “This game plan of mine always worked” I was thinking to myself when the guy said “Sir, I have managed a seat for u in the middle, its number 23. Your bus will pick you up from here at 9:45pm” I checked out the seating configuration and headed for my wallet.

    Seats confirmed. Time 11:00 am. I nice grin on my face. I dialed Sapoo to confirm her the news of my travel.

    “I was just getting your room cleaned up. I will be seeing you after so long. I’m just dying to see you……….”she said as I dozed of to catch up on some pending sleep.

    Time 04:30 pm.

    A call on my cell phone woke me up..It came from an unknown number.
    A lady with a sweet voice on the other end said “Good Evening Sir, This is Neha calling from ICICI bank. Would you be interested in some personal loan?”

    “Sure why not” I said. “I need a loan of about $ 400 Billion, I’m planning to buy Microsoft and use the rest on some exotic vacation”.

    “Well……Sir…….I……..Hmmm….CLICK!!!” She hung up.

    A fast check of my emails, a session of scraps on Orkut, a quick shower, a skipped lunch and off I was to Saibaba mandir. Its Thursday and I generally do not miss this trip at any cost.

    Time 8:30 pm

    Time to pack my bag. Took out my new IBM’s Duffle Bag and packed some minimal number of clothes. Wearing Arnie’s clothes had been a habit since ages.

    Time 9:45 pm

    On board “Palm Grove”. Dat was the name of the bus of Ballal Transport which was supposed to take me to my weekend gateway…

    Mangaloruuuuu here I come……..

    Day 2 (2nd February 10, 2007)

    Time 2:15 am

    A sudden application of brakes woke me up from my so called sleep. A look outside gave the impression we were about to enter the Western Ghats. It was a full moon night. Rather that’s how I felt. I pulled the curtains up to get a better glimpse. Breathtaking !!!

    We cruised slowly and steadily along the curves sometimes climbing up, sometimes doing down. We had to cross 5 ghats on the way to Mangalore. (Got to know from Arnie later on.)

    The whole ghat section was dark….sometimes broken by the lunar rays coming thru the branches and leaves.

    Time 4:30 am

    A vibration attracted my attention. It was Sapoo calling.
    “I just got up to boil some milk for Saanvi” she said, but I could feel the excitement in her voice.
    “Don’t forget the stoppage. It’s Kankanady. Tell the driver in advance” she reminded me again.

    Time 5:57 am

    “Kankanadyyyyyyyyyyyy” the driver and his assistant shouted in unison.

    I grabbed my so called luggage from the over head racks and stepped down. It was still dark. The driver had told me that we will reach Kankanady at 6:00am.

    “Pretty impressive service” I thought to myself as I started looking for an auto to take me to Valencia. A couple of minutes of roaming here and there and some calls to Sapoo I was there at last …. the residence of Arnie.

    Abby and Saanvi were both awake by the time I reached the 2nd floor apartment.

    Time 7:00 am

    Both Sapoo and I were racking our brains off deciding how to call in the surprise for Arnie and Sappi.

    Sapoo took the first step..dialed Arnie on his office extn and here goes the conversation

    Sapoo: “Arnie can you please come home now. I have something to show you”
    Arnie: “Is that something good or bad”
    Sapoo: “Its good and you come right now”
    Arnie: “I can’t come now, I have some pending work”
    Sapoo: “Ok. Here is the deal. You come for just 10 mins and then go back to office”

    That was enough to convince Arnie.
    “He said he would be here soon” Sapoo rattled but was more worried on how/what to tell Sappi.

    Some ladies talk later I was told Sappi would be here for 10 mins on her way to the office.

    Time 8:10 am

    The doorbell rings. I open the door and waiting there was my ex Vice President Mr. Arnab Ghosh with mouth wide open, eyes poping out…Dumb Stuck !!

    Mission One :- Successful

    Breakfast followed ..Fried Egg, Toasted Bread…sounds simple but since I had them after a long time tasted awesome.

    Time 9:30 am
    The doorbell rings again…Enters Swapna Salian. Mouth wide open.

    “Wow! So u have bought a new laptop Arnie bhaiya?” My Toshiba laptop was kept on the sofa in the living room. I was at that point standing at the balcony and I heard both Sappo and Arnie say in unison “Yes. How is it? Did u like it? Now come here for another surprise” as they headed for the place I was standing (hiding).

    “When did u come? I was talking to you y’day only. Infact I spoke to you yesterday night itself. So u were on your way then? Wow what a surprise” said Sappi.

    Mission Two :- Successful

    Being pleased with the fact that I cud give everyone a big surprise I had a kind of satisfaction within me which I dinn experience in a long time.

    Arnie was the first to react to the situation. I’m not going to office today. He immediately got on to his mobile phone and couple of text messages and calls followed and a wide grin on his face suggested he is off for the weekend as well.

    Arnie has his signature way of celebrating any thing. Out comes his bottle of RUM and Coke.

    “Cheers guys!! My brother is here and I’m happy. I’m gonna drink with out n e limits.”

    Sapoo had to surrender as well as she headed for the kitchen. “Lemme prepare some nice lunch.”

    “I can’t take a day off, my trainer won’t allow me a leave” claimed Sappi. A lot of dialogues followed. Sappi was adamant. We went down to see off Sappi to her car but she promised to be back in the evening after her training.

    The rest of the day went lazing around at home. Arnie fiddled with my laptop, saw a couple of movies, while I caught on my much needed sleep.

    Mangalore becomes very hot in the day time and the humidity percentage is relatively high compared to Bangalore.

    Had a late lunch. The Chicken Ghee Roast which Sapoo ordered from a nearby restaurant was exotic.

    The rest of the afternoon was spent on catching up on lost time till Sappi came back from her work..more chit chatting followed, dinner at home…some more gossip..Off to bed again.

    “Wake me up when Sappi comes in the morning tomorrow” was the last thing I told Sapoo before I hit the sack.

    Day 3 (3rd February 2007)

    The traitor (previously known as Sappi) never turned up…hence I woke up late as usual. The rest of the morning went cursing the traitor.

    Arnie had a friend of his Matt who visited him for sometime.. Lunch at home.. Arnie cooked some yummy Beef curry.

    Evening we all got ready to check out Managalore.

    First stop was Adlabs, which a commercial complex. Picked up a couple of stuff for Saanvi, Sapoo, Arnie and myself.

    A Chinese dinner at Hao Ming, Balmatta and we were back home. Some more of gossip. Sapoo got pissed off for sometime as myself and Arnie were only discussing about our adventures while at VCI.

    Matt was supposed to get his car the next day. It will be a whole day spent at the beach.

    Day 4 (4th February 2007)

    Matt was there on time on his Toyata Innova as we all packed in for a trip to a Zoo nearby. On the way back we picked up the traitor who was back from her work as well as we headed for the Panamboor beach.

    This was probably the best part of my trip. Being a Piscean, I have a fondness for water since birth.

    Myself and Arnie had a ball of a time. Drifted kinnda deep into the Arabian Sea. We filled up an empty bottle of Sprit which acted as a makeshift ball. We played from 3 pm till around sunset as we grew fatigued and drowsy.

    Sapoo was feeling hungy.

    “Why donn you get us some Gobi Manchurian?”

    Gobi Manchurian of Panamboor beach is supposed to be very famous and it sure was good.

    We left the sea shore quite after the sun crossed the horizon.

    A quick stop at Adlabs for a Pizza dinner where myself and Sappi were supposed to throw a treat.

    Dinner over we rushed back home a quick shower and was back on the long drive back to base..

    We touched Bangalore when it was around 5 am on Monday of 5th February.

    I would like to this this opportunity to thank Arnie & Sapoo for their wonderful hospitality, Matt for taking the trouble of driving me around and showing me the places and off course not to forget Ms Traitor Sappi for being a spoil sport throughout..

    I love u all

    God Bless.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Eleven laws by Palas

1) LAW OF QUEUE: If you change queues, the one you have left will start to move faster than the one you are in now.

2) LAW OF TELEPHONE: When you dial a wrong number, you never get an engaged one.

3) LAW OF MECHANICAL REPAIR: After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch for sure.

4) LAW OF THE WORKSHOP: Any tool, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible corner.

5) LAW OF THE ALIBI: If you tell the boss you were late for work because you had a flat tyre, the next morning you will have a flat tyre.

6) BATH THEOREM: When the body is immersed in water, the telephone rings.

7) LAW OF ENCOUNTERS: The probability of meeting someone you know increases when you are with someone you don't want to be seen with.

8) LAW OF THE RESULT: When you try to prove to someone that a machine won't work, it will!

9) LAW OF BIOMECHANICS: The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the reach.

10) THEATRE RULE: People with the seats at the furthest from the aisle arrive last.

11)LAW OF COFFEE: As soon as you sit down for a cup of hot coffee, your boss will ask you to do something which will last until the coffee is cold.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

November 29th 2006

Hoyeto tomake paabo na aar,
Mone hoye dekha hobe na abar,
E milon ki aare hobe , tumi smriti hoye roobe...........

Prothom porichoye jare bhalo besechi...sheyee to chile tumi,
Amar cholar pothe, je diye galo preronaaa...sheye to chile tumi,
Aleya ki chilo sobi tobe, ke jane je dekha hobe na hobe,
Tobu smriti hoye roobeee, Tumi smriti hoye robe.....

Brishsti bheja sondha r se modhu jaminiiii...dao phiriye amai,
Choto choto khushi, r swapno asha bhora...dao phiriye amai,
Ekti barer moto kache ese, amai ki tumi dekhe jabeee,
Jano smriti hoye roobe, tumi smriti hoye roobeee..........

Hoyeto tomake paabo na aar,
Mone hoye dekha hobe na abar,
E milon ki aare hobe , tumi Smriti hoye roobe...........

Thursday, October 26, 2006

18 valid reasons of not having a girlfriend


1. I can stare at any Girl.......

2. I don't have to spend money on her.

3. I won't get boring result in my papers.

4. Having a girlfriend is hot, not having a girlfriend is automatically cool, and every one loves to be a cool guy .

5. This can be more to life than just waiting for the bloody phone to ring

6. I won't have to tolerate someone else defining, "right" and "wrong" for me.

7. Girlfriend can get so possessive that I can't do anything according my wishes anymore.

8. I can buy gifts for mom, dad, sis or grandma instead of a girlfriend and have a happier family life.

9. I won't have to waste paper writing love letters.No more endless waiting for my date to arrive at some weird shop\place

10. I can have more friends, as I will have more time for them

11. I wont have to tell lie to anybody and, therefore, i'm sinless.

12. I can have good night's sleep-no need to dream about her.

13.I wont have to fight over having a 'special' friend with my folks.

14. No nonstop nonsense.

15. I wont have drown in the pool of her tears.

16. No more tension.

17. I can be "myself"

18. I wont have to hide my telephone bills...

These are enough for me, not to have one...If u have more plz post ur reasons as well

Friday, July 14, 2006

An evening in Paris ..Oooops Kolar

My urge to write on this blogspot continues……………

My Lotus Notes had been flooding recently with mails on the IBM GSDC bash which was held on the 8th of July at Palace Grounds. Be a part of the same to enjoy a grand evening it said.

So how do plan to go to the bash?” I asked a colleague of mine on late Friday evening on the 7th.

Do you expect me to go to the party wearing that undersized tee-shirt? I’ve much better work to do” said he and walked off.
I’m going out for a dinner with my girlfriend” said another.
I’ve to be here in office. This bash is not meant for me” lamented one more.

It was all these thoughts and some more that left me confused as I faded out for the night, only to be woken up around 11:45am the next morning by a call from Vimal.
Bhai, what plans for the day"? he asked.
Nothing as of now, but why don’t we plan something?” I added.
He dropped of the conversation saying that he will speak to Kumaran, hence forth sometimes referred to as Emperor, and let me know.

The next ring, after a couple of minutes was from the Emperor himself.
Bhai, wanna go to KGF now?” he asked. “I want to click some snaps and come back by evening” he rattled in the same breath.

Why the f*** would he like to go all the way to KGF to click snaps?” was what I was thinking to myself when Emperor added “Bhai, I’m sure you will enjoy the ride on my Pulsar”.

That was enough to motivate me to plan out the rest of my day.

After a quick Chinese lunch and a brief stopover at STG, on CHM Rd we hit the Old Madras Road on our way to Kolar Gold Fields a distance of around 85 Kms from Bangalore. The clock was ticking at 16:20 hrs then.

The traffic started to thin out as we crossed K.R.Puram and cruised along the NH4. We were soon out of Bangalore and were moving steadily on through small towns and lush green fields. The speedometer touched and crossed 100 Kmph. Kumaran was in the meanwhile sharing his previous experiences he had encountered on this road enroute to Chennai and I was enjoying the cool air on my face.

The rain Gods played a spoil sport as it started to pour. The water droplets were piercing us like needles as the Emperor decided to take a quick tea break and his much needed nicotine shot.

We set off again but this time on a subdued note as we both realized that wet roads can be slippery at times. We crossed the milestones, which kept us updating that manzil abhi dur nahi, in short regular intervals as we got back to our previous set of conversations only to be interrupted by a strange sensation on my back. My whole body was dry but my back was wet. A quick feel of the tee shirt suggested mud as well.

The mystery was cracked by His Highness himself.
Bhai, actually mera bike mein pichhe ka mud guard nahi hai na isiliye. Lekin aap tension maat lo abhi sukh jayega”.

The time was around 17:00 hrs when we reached the town of Kolar as we took a turn to the right, off the NH4, on the final 31 kms to the Gold Fields.

We crossed the BEML office and township on the way as we neared the mines when Emperor suddenly realized that it was getting dark and he has not clicked a single snap till then. Taking out his Sony digital camera he started to focus at the entrance of the mining zone “BHARAT GOLD MINES LIMITEDproduction and safety are our aims” the board read.

We should click at least about 20 snaps before it gets too dark” remarked Kumaran as he loaded a pair of rechargeable batteries into his camera.

We got a little excited on seeing a hugh pile of mud like stuff a little off the road.
Looks like a mine” we both exclaimed together.
On further query it turned out to be just a Cyanide dump. Cyanide was probably used with the gold ores to purify the metal and there after discarded.

We reached the entrance of Champion Riff Mine which was supposed to be the largest amongst the lot. This mine has closed down about 7-8 years back as the government realized that it was becoming more and more expensive to run the show. We parked our bike outside the boundary and watched in awe at a metallic structure. Standing tall battering the heat and the cold for years together was the Gifford's Shaft – this, as we came to know later is the world’s deepest shaft.

Another round of photo session followed and soon we realized that we are running low on battery power. Emperor blamed it on me coz’ as per him I was using the zoom option just too much.

Not quiet understanding what he meant I decided to pee and to know what happened there I would recommend my readers to click on this link

It was already dark when we started on our return ride back to base. The ride in the dark was risky and dangerous as we were maneuvering through the cars and trucks and sand laden tractors and what not. A quick South Indian dinner break at Kamat’s and we were in C. V. Raman Nagar reporting to Vimal by 20:15 hrs.

I would take this opportunity to really thank His Highness Kumaran for offering me this wonderful ride on his Bajaj Pulsar 150 cc KA 04 EP 6412 and spared me of an otherwise boring off day.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I had a dream

Sun is rising as usual in the east. Im standing here outside the school,waiting for my 10 yr old kid. He studies in class 2. Only this year he could get admission into the school. For the last 5 yrs, admissions were closed for the general category students.

School bell rings. I can see a lot of happy children coming out of the gate, I waited for half an hour and my kid came at last after other children. General students are not allowed to cross the gate unless other OBC/SC/ST students have crossed the gates.

OBC/SC/ST fathers drive away their children in classy cars. But i have to walk back home with my kid a 5 km stretch. I lost my car some years back when Govt. came with a rule that general people have to deposit a tax equal to cost of their cars. Failing which i had to sell the car. As far as buses are concerned, the seats in buses are reserved forOBC/SC/ST. So no place there also.

After walking some 5km in scorching heat I finally reached home.It was Wednesday ... shit , no electricity.Every mon,wed,thu,sat is power cut in the houses of General category population .So that SC/ST/OBC can be uplifted by providing them with every opportunity and in that consideration electricity is an important factor. Its 10:00 pm in night no electricity at home. Its very hot inside the four walls of home .So i dare to step out in park with my wife and kid.I seated myself with my family on a secluded bench in garden. It was hardly 5 min ... a guard came to us strolling in the park.He asked me what caste you belong to? I said with some hesitation .. ..General.He asked me to pay a fine of Rs.200 and get out of the park. My Fault...The bench i was sitting on was meant for again the SC/ST/OBC. For their
upliftment, peace of mind is an essential things. So govt came with this decision to reserve benches for them.Kudos to them...

Its early in the morning ...the newspaper man just knocked the door.I took the newspaper and started reading ..its Independence day . I never used to forget this days some 20 yrs back. My kid hardly knows wat 15th August is, because i never told him any stories of greatness of our country or anything realted to country.I don't feel like telling him the failures after freedom. On front page of newspaper, in a corner their is a news about a OBC member getting 6 months imprionment in "BAL SUDHAR GRAHA" from a juvenile court for murdering a six year old girl. Yes the rules have been amended ,since the last 5 years.The Culprit was a 25 year old OBC so age relaxation was provided for trial of crime.So he was taken to juvenile court, since there is an age relaxation for OBC/SC/ST.

About 11 am some one gave me the BAD news about demise of one of my neighbour and friend Mr.Mehta. I went to his house for condolence next day,his body was lying there still rotting in the heat.I asked his son about the cremation .His son told me " Many reserved category have died yesterday so we are not getting entry to creamtion ground ". This rule is the latest from Govt.Where the seats in creamtion ground will be reserved for SC/ST/OBC for their upliftment. Finally next day Mehta ji was creamted.I could see the sun setting through the Flames burning a libarated Body, liberated from caste n creed.I was surprised sun still sets in the west.

It was about9 pm , i was about to sleep in my bed my son came to me with innocence in his eyes , inquisitively he asked me the question "What is reservation?"I asked me where u hear that . He suddenly burst in tears .. I asked him to keep quiet But i could listen through his sobs "Mujhe bhi reservation chahiye!!".How can i convince him its no other toy in the market i can get for him?

He kept cryin that night ,claiming many of "his classmates have got reservation".To make him quiet i said ok ,i'll buy you reservation at your next B'day. HOPE he understands the bloody concept soon...........................